Download File Command Line Mac

Sep 18, 2020 • Filed to: Recover & Repair Files • Proven solutions

Regarding handling everyday tasks, the command line can turn out to be powerful as well as harmful. For instance, the rm command enables you to eliminate or delete files. The rmdir command works in the same manner for directories or folders.

However, you should be cautious because unlike transferring files from the Finder to the Trash, it is not possible to retrieve them if you utilize these commands. Still, in case you desire to make use of the Terminal’s powers, the command delete file is one command which you cannot ignore.

  • Download WinZip Command Line The WinZip Command Line Support Add-On provides a command line interface that gives you the power of WinZip without the usual WinZip graphical user interface. It allows you to use WinZip directly from the command prompt and from batch (.BAT) files and script languages, making it ideal for automating repetitive tasks.
  • Jul 14, 2020.

In our next Terminal tip, we'll show you how to download files from the web. Of course it's probably easier just to use the GUI of Safari, but using Terminal gives you additional stats like file.

There are ways to include a safeguard to make sure that the only files you erase are truly the ones you want to delete.

Part1. Advantages of Erasing Files Using the Command Line

It is not complicated to delete files using the Finder and you are always able to recover files from Trash in case you want to change your mind. So why take the trouble to delete files using command prompt and command line?

Below are several reasons to delete files Using Command Prompt and Command Line:

  • By making use of wildcards, you can erase multiple files fast and effectively.
  • You can retrieve files from the trash when you come across immovable errors.
  • You can erase files that are concealed in the Finder; these are files that might have settings for specific apps or sections of OS X, which consist of a dot (.) in front of their names, which are not displayed by Finder.
  • In case your Mac is faulty and you do not have access to the Finder anymore, you can utilize the command line for troubleshooting the issue.

Part2. Deleting Files and Folders Using Command Prompt on Windows

Are you aware that it is possible to erase a file on Windows by making use of the Command Prompt? Below are some steps on how to go about it:


  1. Begin from Start, and then proceed to All Programs, Accessories, and finally Command Prompt. You can alternately access the run dialog (WinKey and R) and key in ‘cmd’ but not with the quotes.
  1. Key in ‘del’ but omit the quotes.
  1. Type the file’s name and the extension. In case you are presently in the directory which contains the file, you are ready to proceed. In case you are not aware of what an extension file is, key in the file inside a kind of search box (this is determined by the computer you have and the kind of search available to you). Click on the right and find properties and it will be present on the key page. It will be the same as ‘C:/myfilename.ext.’

In case you are not in the appropriate directory, you can type ‘cd’ to the directory or key in the complete file path to be erased.

For instance, in case you want to erase ‘file.txt’ you need to key in ‘del file.txt.’ If the file is situated on the desktop, key in ‘C: /Users/username/Desktopfile.txt’ in case you are one directory on top.

  1. DEL provides support for wildcards characters also, like an asterisk (*). For instance, in case you desire to delete every file on your desktop which has .wav extension, you should type ‘del C: Users/username/Desktop/*.wav.’ Deleting

Video Tutorial on How to Recover Deleted Files on Windows 10/8/7 Easily?

Part3. Deleting files/folders using the command line on Mac

Erasing folders or directories varies a bit. If you attempt to operate the rm command on a folder, the message below will appear:

You can't erase a directory utilizing the rm command. rmdir is a special command used to delete directories. Therefore, to erase a director called Archives, you need to operate the command below:

rmdir Archives.

Part4: Deleting a Directory as well as Files in it

  • The rm command provides a strong option (-R or –r) also referred to as the recursive option. After running the rm-R command on a directory, you are directing the Terminal to erase this folder, whatever files it has or sub-folders and any folders or files inside the sub-folders, all through.
  • For instance, in case you possess a directory packed with archives that have files or directory, erasing every item one by one from the command line or Finder might consume a lengthy period. Therefore, simply operate the command as follows:
  1. rm-R Archives
  2. Keep in mind that this is a permanent decision. You can, however, make use of the –flag for security.
  3. rm-iR Archives
  4. This will request you to verify the deletion of every item.

Part5: Tips and Tricks for Using cmd delete file

In case you are unable to empty your Mac’s trash, the rm – R command is useful. A file may be locked or you might not be permitted to erase one or multiple files. This may be irritating; however, you can make use of the command line to get a simple solution.

1. Type as shown underneath in Terminal

  • rm-R
  • Type in a space
  • Open Trash in Finder and drag the items inside to Terminal Window. You will view one or multiple files with paths like /Users/.Trash/file.txt.
  • In case many files are present, you might discover that the list which comes up is all on a single lengthy line, enveloping the Terminal Window. In case you are very certain you want to delete each of these items, click on Return. The Trash will be emptied by Terminal.
Mac command line install

2. Send the Output of a Command to the Clipboard

You will simply send the output straightaway to the clipboard.

From a folder, open the command prompt

You might have attempted to open the command prompt and encountered a lot of cd commands trying to access a folder. The good news is that you can save lots of time by using Explorer to open a command prompt inside a folder. You just need to hold shift, click right on a folder and the context menu will present the option.

Command History

Most probably, you might have been tapping the up key to access your earlier commands; this can be tiresome if you are attempting to get a specific command. Another method you can use to see your earlier command is using the donkey command.


If you lost data on your computer, don't worry! You still have the chance to get lost data back. To recover files from the computer, you can have tried the file recovery tool.

Recover & Repair Files

Recover Document Files
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Clear & Delete File

Since macOS is based on Unix there are a number of ways to compress files and folders within the filing system using Unix based application code, below are a few options using the Terminal or command line interface (cli). The default command line application interface in macOS is the Terminal and is stored in /Applications/Utilities.

File and folder compression saves on file size and ensures the contents are captured and delivered or stored as one monolithic file. A compressed file which contains files and folders is generally referred to as an archive. Here are some built-in compression applications you can use including zip, tar, gz, bz2, gz and dmg.

ZIP – Cross Platform

First up is ZIP one of the most commonly used compression techniques used across all platforms

To compress

To extract

If you want to make a zip without those invisible Mac resource files such as “_MACOSX” or “._Filename” and .ds store files, use the “-X” option in the command so:

TAR.GZ – Cross Platform

Second up is TAR, an old favorite on Unix/Linux – you add the GZ for the compression – compresses tighter than zip

Mac Command Line List

To compress

To extract

TAR.BZ2 – Cross Platform

A variation on TAR GZ but with better compression than both tar.gz and zip.

To compress

To extract


Without the tar

To extract

DMG – macOS Only

This one is macOSnative only – for a GUI interface use /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility – for command line use:

To create

Mac Command Line

To mount

To view

To Eject

You can also use a number of different formats for creating a .dmg

  • UDZO – Compressed image (default)
  • UDRO – Read-only image
  • UDBZ – Better compressed image
  • UDRW – Read/Write image
  • UDTO – DVD disk image

Macos Download File Command Line

That’s the low down, the more common compression packages available will typically be covered in one of the above.