Download Netbeans With Jdk Mac

Supported Platforms

Netbeans 8.2 Download With Jdk

Dec 10, 2019. May 07, 2017.

Supported Platforms

NetBeans Profiler currently supports applications running on 32-bit and 64-bit Java Virtual Machines (JVM). NetBeans Profiler is also compatible with the most common operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Solaris Sparc, Solaris X86 and Mac OS X. For more, see Compatibility with Various Operating Systems.

Supported Java VMs


The Profiler currently can profile applications running on the following JVMs:

  • Sun JDK 5.0_04 VM or above (JDK 5.0_09 or above recommended). The latest JDK can be downloaded at
    NetBeans Profiler supports 32-bit and 64-bit JVMs. Currently the functionality relevant for the Profiler is the same in JDK 6 and JDK 5.0_04, thus we further refer to them collectively as 'JDK 5/6'.
  • Sun JDK 6 Early Access VM starting from build 26. The Sun JDK can be downloaded from the Java SE Downloads Web site.
  • A customized JFluid VM, based on the standard JDK 1.4.2 VM. This customized JVM is available as a separate NBM download at
  • NetBeans Profiler 5.5 runs on Mac OS X 10.4.2 and above, using Apple's J2SE 5.0 Release 3 and above.

Download Netbeans With Jdk Macos

You can change the JVM that the Profiler uses when it launches an application for profiling, by choosing Tools > Options > Profiler, and selecting the Java Platform from the combo box. You can also specify Profiler to use the JVM specified in the application. To add or remove a JVM to the list in the combo box, click Manage Platforms to open the Java Platform Manager.

To use the bundled customized JVM, simply leave the field blank. When you attach the Profiler to the running or starting JVM, this setting is ignored, as the target JVM version is detected automatically.

The Special Customized JFluid Java VM

If your application requires JDK 1.4.2 to run, you have to use our special modified Javatm VM derived from HotSpottm VM 1.4.2_04 to profile it. This modified JVM is available as a separate .nbm module file. When you install the module, the JVM is placed into the userdir/modules/profiler-ea-vm directory. Here userdir is the user directory of the NetBeans IDE that runs the profiler - you can find that location in the Help > About dialog. Normally it looks like (replace 'johnsmith' with your login name in all examples below) /home/johnsmith/.netbeans/5.5 (on UNIX®) or c:Documents and SettingsJohnSmith.netbeans5.5 (on Windows). If you need to start the application that you want to profile separately, i.e. not launch it from NetBeans, you can directly call the Java launcher located in the jre/bin subdirectory of the above directory.

How to configure the IDE if you run it on JDK 5.0:

JDK 1.4.2_04 VM cannot run classes compiled with the Java source code compiler from JDK 5/6. In these JDK versions, certain incompatible changes to the class file format have been made, resulting in the fact that older JVMs, not just JFluid JVM, cannot run .class files generated with JDK 5.0. If the Profiler discovers that the main class of the profiled application has an incompatible version number, it informs you about that and stops.

To be able to profile in the IDE that runs on JDK 5.0:

  1. Install JDK 1.4.x SDK on your machine
  2. Add it as a new Java platform in the IDE via Tools > Java Platform Manager from the main menu
  3. Open Project Properties (choose Properties from the Project's contextual menu in the Projects window) and select this platform as the Java Platform for this project

Sun JDK 5/6 Java VMs

To profile applications on a supported JDK 5/6 VM, choose Tools > Options > Profiler from the main menu and choose the Java platform from the combo box.

Note that, unlike the customized JFluid VM, the standard JDK 5/6 VMs currently do not support attaching the tool to the running JVM. Attaching to the JVM on startup, also known as Direct attachment, is still available. Please see the Attaching the Profiler to the Local or Remote JVM section for details.

Compatibility with Various Operating Systems

Netbeans Download With Jdk

The tool includes some native machine code which is non-trivial to port to different platforms. This limits the number of platforms on which Profiler can currently run. At present, NetBeans Profiler is available on Solaris (both Sparc and x86 versions), Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

Windows limitations. The tool works on all 32-bit versions of Windows, although on Windows 95 and Windows 98 it may be unstable and/or the profiling results may be inaccurate due to problems with the high-resolution system timer in these platforms.

On all Windows versions, the 'thread CPU' timings obtained during CPU profiling may be inaccurate due to the known issue: low (on the order of 10 ms) resolution of the thread CPU timer in this OS.

Solaris limitations. Profiler currently requires Solaris version 8 or higher. It will not work on previous versions of Solaris.

Java Jdk And Netbeans

Linux limitations. At the time of this writing, the resolution of the thread CPU timer in Linux is known to be very low (more than 10 ms). Thus the 'thread CPU' timings obtained during thread CPU profiling may be inaccurate.